Sign up to meet one-on-one with a HUD-approved housing advisor for free here.

In our new “Why I serve” segment, we want to take you behind the scenes and introduce you to members of our team ready and available to help you on your homeownership journey.

Today, we’d like you to meet one of our HUD-certified housing advisors, Maria Muñoz.

Maria started with Habitat Orlando & Osceola in May 2023, and she meets with clients to help them sort through their finances and get on track to reach their housing goals whether that’s to buy a home (through Habitat or on the open market), maintain your existing home or avoid foreclosure.

Maria, what led you to become a housing advisor?

When I was switching career fields after graduating college, I wanted to do something that was really meaningful and impactful. And after working with a housing advisor myself, I realized that that was the career path that I wanted to switch over to.

What about being a housing advisor is most fulfilling to you?

Being able to teach new things to people who had no idea that they could actually repair their credit, or they could actually save up to purchase a home.

What is your favorite part of your job?

Conducting the First-Time Homebuyer Workshops that we hold here. They’re free workshops for the public. It’s absolutely amazing. We have presenters from all different credit institutions that come on out and really inspire people to take that first leap into homeownership.

What is your biggest piece of advice for someone looking to take the next step toward homeownership?

Patience and dedication is key to that process. It can be really rough out there. In regards to saving and credit, just things that we weren’t taught previously and being taught those things now, sticking to a budget, not eating out and being a little bit more conservative of where your money actually goes requires a lot of dedication, a lot of patience with yourself as you’re learning something new. But it’s totally worth it in the end.

What snack are we most likely to find in your desk?

Kettle-cooked salt and vinegar chips.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

Spend time with my wonderful family, my sister, and of course, my lovely husband.

What would you tell somebody who may be hesitant about meeting with a housing advisor?

I think that meeting with the housing advisor can sometimes be taken in different ways. Sometimes you meet with a counselor or advisor to for mental health issues or for different type of issues. And we use that word “issues” when that’s really not the case.

Advisors are here to help you, to support you, to keep you accountable. And are your cheerleaders all the way through from start to finish. There’s nothing too embarrassing. There’s nothing wrong with your credit. There’s nothing wrong with your savings. Everyone starts somewhere and we’re all a testament to that.

So, if you’re having doubts or reservations, if you’re scared if you’re embarrassed, if you don’t want to talk about your finances, we are your cheerleader. We are your people who will keep your deepest darkest secrets and we are here for you all the time.


Sign up to meet one-on-one with a HUD-approved housing advisor for free here.