This is the hourly pay you need to afford rent in Central Florida 

This is the hourly pay you need to afford rent in Central Florida 

Full-time workers in the Orlando metropolitan area need to make $24 an hour to afford a two-bedroom rental home without spending more than the recommended 30% of their income, according to a report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition.  This number is...
Change lives with Habitat Orlando & Osceola this Giving Tuesday Now

Change lives with Habitat Orlando & Osceola this Giving Tuesday Now

On May 5, Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County is joining a global day of generosity and unity, Giving Tuesday Now. On this day, you can help us, and other organizations, as we continue to respond to the needs caused by COVID-19.  With your help,...
How to advocate for affordable housing during the coronavirus pandemic 

How to advocate for affordable housing during the coronavirus pandemic 

At this time in our nation’s history, we are realizing how immensely important it is to have a safe, affordable home as families face not only a public health crisis, but also an economic crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic.  We need Habitat supporters to advocate...
5 ways to make a difference this World Habitat Day

5 ways to make a difference this World Habitat Day

Everyone deserves a safe, affordable home – and this World Habitat Day, we want to remind you that everyone can help make this a reality as well. Your support can be as simple as spreading the word about Habitat Orlando & Osceola to friends or donating $5 a month....